Friday, June 3, 2011

WTJ: Climb Up High... Drop the Journal.

It's been a slow, slow week of supply teaching for me. 1 call out in 5 days. Not great. But it's June, and that's to be expected.

What was unexpected was on my 1 day in the classroom this week, the high schools were on a "late start" so the teachers could participate in a workshop in the morning. This means, I got to attend. The topic was "Differentiated Instruction." Anyone who has attended a Teacher Education program in the last few years can understand the internal groan that coarsed through me when I found out. DI is a fantastic approach to teaching, but the topic itself is so exhausted in BEd programs, workshops, memos, etc. that I find it hard to believe there's anything left to say about it.

My instincts on this were correct; there was not a whole lot of new information presented. There was however, one "fact" or "statistic" that caught my attention (for obvious reasons):

"25% of people are book lovers. We must find ways to engage the other 75%."

There was no summary offered for where this data came from, and for all I know it could just be one of those random statistics people make up. (Did you know that 75% of the time facts and statistics are simply made up?)

However, with this stat in mind, I would like to dedicate today's WTJ activity to the other 75%. If you don't love books, you'd probably love to do something like this...

Just so you know, I dropped it out of a second-storey window.

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