Don't misunderstand me. I'm not one of those girls who gets all stressed out that I don't look exactly like Giselle in a bikini. I've long since accepted the fact that my curvier 5"3 frame will never grace the centrefold of a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. But every Spring I am reminded that I have lived a less than healthy winter and want to do my best to feel absolutely great about myself once those rays of sun are at their shiniest.
I don't like getting winded walking up a flight of stairs. And though I am far from being obese, a long winter of hibernation tends to take its toll.

To remind myself of how good I feel I documented today's workout in a WTJ exercise. Instructed to "draw lines while in motion," I did just that while doing my cardio this morning. Though the overall hideousness of the drawing could represent my frustration over a lack of visible results so far, I think in the long run it'll remind me to just go ahead get active. Whenever I flip past that page I'll think, "Hey! Remember what it was like to be active?" and go for it.
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