Get ready for some

Those were the days either made up of a sun so hot he could still taste the ice-cream as soon as he set foot on the pier, or were so stormy that the wind whipped with such strength they would hang on to one another to avoid being whisked off land and lost to the sea. On those family days, Lou would disappear into his own world.
The Gift by Cecelia Ahern, page 57
Remember to share your
2 sentences! I want to see what you're reading!
"Instead, she walked to the desk and sat in the chair. She stared at the snow." (A Wedding in December by Anita Shreve, p. 182)
I currently have three books 'on the go', but sadly, I'm not actively reading any of them as I can't find the time. However, in the interest of sharing, I've picked one up for this purpose:
"Finally, there is a modern surface-mount electronic component soldered to the centre of the device, prominently on display through the clear plastic cover. It looks impressive, but whatever it is, it is connected to absolutely nothing." (Bad Science by Ben Goldacre, p.176)
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